and techniques.htm

Unit Book J2

J2-methods and techniques

Processed on 2024-07-27

Date Author Record
2005-08-10 mH We will start using the sifter in the column (once we start excavating the column again) and note, which is the first q-lot and/or feature sifted. The sifter mesh size is approximately 1.7cmx1.7cm. We will also need to mark accurate cm down for the column q-lots so that our volumes sifed and recored will be correct for possible statistical calculations. [Input: P810MH.j]
2005-08-16 mH Since the elevator in k14 had serious problems most of the day, most of the dirt was removed with sambils and buckets, which obviously made excavating slower. [Input: P816MH.j]
2005-08-16 mH Yesterday we had decided upon taking a look at the q-lot pairs coming from the excavator of k101 and from the sifter today in order to determine whether we miss a lot of material by just relying on the eye of the excavator as we usually do. If we do not miss much, we could safely stop sifting. Because we had a problem with the elevator located in k14, sifting the material from 101 presented logistical problems of getting the dirt up to the sifter fast and safe. I thought this was a good time to make the determination of whether to continue or not. mKB and I looked at the materials recovered yesterday and concluded that although the sifter does recover more smaller pottery pieces than the excavators normally do, these small pieces really do not add to the information obtained from excavated pottery to the extent that would justify the effort of sifting. We presented our conclusions together with the logistical problems we were having to gB and jO and both agreed that there was no need to continue sifting in k101. The decision was reached just when we decided to stop excavations in k101 for the time being. Once we start again in a couple of days we will not continue sifting. [Input: P816MH.j]
2005-08-29 mH We have now been sifting the soil excavated in first in k104 and k5 (north baulk), and now in k14 and in k5 and the amount of pottery we recoved has increased drastically. For every pick run we now fill 1-2 additional pottery bags. For example in k5 where we proceed with big picks qlot q659, which came from the excavators in the unit, was accompanied by qlots q660 and q674, which were collected by the sifters. In k14 q661 recovered by the excavators was accompanied by qlot q663 from the sifter. [Input: P830MH.j]